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The Red Room

The Red Room The Red Room
The Red Room @
I love making silly faces for the camera, and this Thursday ain’t no exception. I call this softcore set "The Red Room", and it’s one of my favorites. I dunno why…I just really like the way the pictures turned out. The dress I’m wearing is one of my favorites, too. I like to wear it out, and when I do, I seldom wear a bra or panties. I’ll go out to a club, dancing, working the room, seeing what big-dicked negroes may be staring at me. If I find one that appears acceptable (I check hand size and foot size as a sort of insurance policy…you know the old saying: big feet, big meat) I’ll usually take have them walk me out to the car, when I’ll suck them off — right before I go home to my Whiteboy. I love it when Whiteboy kisses me when I still have the seed of a black man on my breath. Anyways…I’m getting sidetracked here. Enjoy this Thursday’s softcore set, and I’ll be in touch with you soon. Promise. 😉
The Red Room The Red Room
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